We will be participating in a listening session as part of the diocesan synodal process! Synodality means journeying together and gathering in assembly as the People of God to proclaim the Gospel. Pope Francis has invited EVERYONE to participate in a dialogue with one another and with the worldwide Catholic Church. Join us! We hope you will participate in the conversation that will take place on Saturday, March 19th at 11:00am in the gym. Each individual matters and each of our experiences is valid and in need of ears to listen. Nobody is excluded – all are welcome. We are all on this journey of faith together! This is an opportunity to listen to one another in a spirit of prayer and dream about the Church we are called to be. The information gathered from the listening sessions will not only help us discern how we can move forward together as a community, but also as a diocesan and universal Church. To learn more, please visit: dioceseofcleveland.org/synod.