Rules: Helmet-wear it Hydrate Heed all traffic signs (and look both ways!)
Please bring: ID (driver’s license) Mobile phone Money (optional-for a drink or snack)
We will start at 2:30 p.m. unless otherwise noted We will end at 4:30 p.m. at where we started unless otherwise agreed upon We will begin and end with prayer/scripture reflection
MY RANDOM THOUGHTS: We will try to find those who ride in a similar manner so that we do not ride alone, but we are not holding other bikers in our group back. Sunday afternoons on bike paths tend to be crowded. We might do better with groups of three or four bikes. A “peloton” of 10 or more bikes would be a bit overwhelming to walkers, strollers and pets on a bike path.
When passing, remember to say “passing left” or ring a bell to alert walkers you are coming up on them. Be cautious around pets.